€25,00 year 2019
These great energies are for people that are already found on the spiritual path and who understand the way the universe provides unexpected opportunities once they has begun they journey.
They are powerful energies of freedom and hope that guides you to understanding and knowledge, of calm reflection and path to inner consciousness and quiet meditation for finding real purpose in life.
They bring the beneficial to connect with the cosmos, galaxies and the great mysteries of the universe, the moon and the movement of the celestial realm for alignment with the cycles of life, the timeless natural powers of the moon, of natural cycles, birth, and regeneration, feminine power, magic, and much more.
Are energies of good fortune they burn any obstacles to abundance yes and health, bring the manifestation of ideas, creativity and abundance in all levels of life, are highly supportive in healing sessions, shamanic or magical work and are a wonderful grounding during meditation and astral travel and more.
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