€5,00 - $ 40.00
Love, Laughter, Luck Wish Fulfillment Fairy Empowerment Four Different Fairies - Love Fairy, Fairy of Laughter, Fairy of Luck, Wish Fulfillment Fairy This Empowerment will bring you into contact with four different fairies.
Each will bring in different energies for you to call upon to enhance your life.
They are: 1. The Love Fairy (or Birth Fairy). Her name is Carina
2. The Fairy of Laughter (or Life Assignment) - Fairy. Her name is Hilaria.
3. The Third one is The Fairy of Luck (or Fate Fairy). Her name is Felicia.
4. The Wish Fulfillment Fairy (or Hope Fairy). Her name is Desideria:
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