Galactic Wealth Reiki is part of the Multi-Level Prosperity series.
prerequisites: Multi-Dimensional Money The focus of this series of systems will be: Money, Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance.
The remaining systems may be taken in any order after receiving the Multi-Dimensional Money system.
Galactic Wealth Energy helps you Obtain wealth on a larger stairs.
This energy helps you expand your horizons.
You Understanding Concerning money, I know That you may draw more to you. Your knowledge and understanding Increase and as you put them to good use your skills increase.
Utilizing These aspects in dealing with money will cause your ability to manifest greater Amounts of money Galactic Wealth Energy Focuses only on the aspect of wealth That pertains to money. The Energy of Galactic Wealth is far reaching.
To get the most out of this system of energy, you must be willing to expand in every way. this system is not confined to just this realm or this plane.
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