€5,00 year 2018
We all know and hear and read we must forgive all,especially the ones who harmed us but you know that this thing it’s easier to say than to make because if we’re not able to love and forgive ourselves how can we love and forgive others?
Jesus said love your neighbor,love others like your self but the real problem is that we really do this!
We don’t love and forgive ourselves so we can’t forgive anyone else.
The first thing you’ve to know is that forgiving doesn’t means forgetting or letting you or someone else harm you again.
Forgiving means understand and let go the past but the first person you’ve to forgive is you!
We all criticize ,blame and judge ourselves always!
Now is time to change,to change and let go.
With this system and its energy you’ll be able to work better and faster on these parts of you that blame, criticize and judge yourself.
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