The origin of the Dzambhala Wealth Gods is very interesting.
It is said that a revered high Lama, Lama Atisha, was walking alone when he found a man starving and near death.
After looking around and unable to find food for the old man Lama Atisha cut flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man. The man refused to eat the Lama's flesh.
Being depressed and not knowing how else to help the man nearing death the Lama sat down next to him. At that point there was a blinding bright white light and before Atisha appeared the Buddha of Compassion, the Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig.
The Buddha told Lama Atisha that he was going to manifest himself as the God of Wealth, Dzambhala, and assure that those in poverty would suffer no longer. Jambala (Dzambhala) is the God of wealth and appropriately a member of the Jewel family.
In hindu Mythology Jambala known as Kuber. Jambala is also believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, manifesting as the wealth-giving Buddha Each Jambala has their own mantra and practice to help eliminate poverty and create financial stability.
Gifts Prosperity Wealth Abundance Enjoy Abundance Enjoy Life Long Life and more Dzambhala Reiki has 5 seperate attunements.
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