€100,00 year 2023
Every sentient being deserves respect!
Even you hit rock bottom, you'll go back up!!
If you thought you had done everything possible to make the necessary changes so as not to endlessly relive those negative experiences in your mind and yet chaos reigns in your mind, and nowthe memories start to be too painful, you obsessively wonder why you in your life you had to do these experiences, a path paved with humiliations, renunciations, loss of material goods, affections, and more, but after so much suffering in the end you came out of the world of the invisible people with dignity and gradually on tiptoe you to mixing with the crowd of ordinary people but you still feel a huge pain inside you, an emotional turmoil that you think you can't face and overcome, if you work with the energies channeled in this CZ Card can help you heal your emotional wounds, not to lower your head in front of anyone, to help you for to forgive yourself and the others who had contributed to creating your situation of poverty and social hardship, etc.
Because you are worth and deserve your respect and the respect from everybody.
You receive CZ Card JPG Image with immediate Digital Download, pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement,
an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement is ready.